Hotkey Descriptions in AwesomeWM
Apparently I missed the fact that custom keyboard layouts can be added to the hotkey popup by assigning a description and group to them.
It’s as easy as appending the description to your shortcut
awful.key({modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "Tab", function () awful.spawn("setxkbmap pl") end)
like so:
awful.key({modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "Tab", function () awful.spawn("setxkbmap pl") end, {description = "set keyboard layout to pl", group = "custom"}),
And there you have it. You can also add other applications to the hotkey popup by following the tutorial in hotkeys_popup/widget.lua and adding the following to your rc.lua:
--Create the rule that we will use to match for the application.
local fire_rule = { class = { "firefox", "Firefox" } }
for group_name, group_data in pairs({
["Firefox: tabs"] = { color = "#009F00", rule_any = fire_rule }
}) do
hotkeys_popup.add_group_rules(group_name, group_data)
-- Table with all of our hotkeys
local firefox_keys = {
["Firefox: tabs"] = {{
modifiers = { "Mod1" },
keys = {
["1..9"] = "go to tab"
}, {
modifiers = { "Ctrl" },
keys = {
t = "new tab",
w = 'close tab',
['Tab'] = "next tab"
}, {
modifiers = { "Ctrl", "Shift" },
keys = {
['Tab'] = "previous tab"